During September 2019 - January 2020, COERR Mae Sot organized a livelihood training to promote future well-being of the interested displaced persons. There were three intensive training courses being offered: organic farming; food processing; and making hygienic supplies like soap, herbal shampoo and multipurpose liquids for dish and cloth washing, etc.
In addition to training, COERR promoted the trainees to form their groups and supported each group to start their own activities with necessary equipment. The organic farming groups have 45 farmers consisting of 15 farmers in Mae La, 15 in Umpiem and 15 in Nupo who received vegetable seeds, and farming tools like watering buckets, hoes, rakes, nets, garden hose, shading nets, etc. to start their own vegetable farms. Among these numbers, some of them also grow vegetables and sell for income generation. Some can also share their surplus to the vulnerable.
The food processing group had 23 trainees. Among them, there were 12, consisting of 4 in Ban Mae La, 3 in Ban Umpiem and 5 in Ban Nupo, who received material, ingredients including kitchen utensils like pots, pans, knives, etc. to start their small income generation business from selling sweet banana crisp, Sugar-boiled banana puree, deep-fried potato chips, salted egg, chili paste, etc.
The soap and multipurpose liquids production had 30 trainees. Among them, there were 4 in Ban Mae La, 4 in Ban Umpiem and 8 in Ban Nupo, who received materials and equipment to start their income generation activities.
In January 2020, COERR followed up the program and found that these displaced youth had improved farming skills, have variety of vegetables to supplement their meals, become healthier, share their products and surplus to the needy neighbors that have strengthened relationship among community people. Income generation from selling these products promotes savings and make the program a good option in self-reliant for future repatriation.
Organic Farming in Livelihood Program

Products in the Food Processing Program

Production of Soap, Herbal Shampoo and Multi-purpose Washing Liquids
